
It is not a tax per se but a collection of many taxes, such as lohnsteuer and others. This means that an employee who has only his or her job, his income tax is equal to his or her wage tax. If the employee has more than one job or he or she and his wife, his income tax is the total income of all those businesses. He will then have to submit a so-called einkommensteuererklärung tax return to find out the exact value of his taxes. After submitting that declaration to the Ministry of Finance, the response comes from which to ask for more taxes or the return of the excess of the taxes it has paid.

 income tax

Gewerbesteuer Trade Tax

Let's start by defining the word Gewerbe, which means every business with a profit on which an invoice is provided, and there are works that are characterized by the above but do not fall under the word Gewerbe such as agribusiness and entrepreneurship, such as those free jobs, including but not limited to doctors, engineers, lawyers, Translators. The full list of these works is listed under The EStG § 18 Act
We mentioned those works that did not fall under the word Gewerbe to note that they are exempt from the Trade Tax Gewerbesteuer which we will now recognize.
This tax is in short: an annual amount of 3.5% to 7% depending on the city and its Hebesatz collection factor, of the total profits of the business. If these profits are less than €24,500, nothing is paid, i.e. the establishment is exempt from that tax.

Umsatzsteuer Sales Tax / Mehrwertsteuer VAT

Certainly everyone who lives in Germany has heard of the Mehrwertsteuer VAT, sometimes referred to as MwSt, because everything we buy in Germany has that tax and the seller or producer of that item takes it from the people or rather who buys that item, and pays it to the tax treasury. German sales tax label Umsatzsteuer. So we wrote in the title of this section two different names for two taxes but they are the reality of one tax.
There is little in this tax for consumers to explain except the 19% tax rate for most commercial goods or 7% for some goods. A good check of any invoice is enough to know what the materials are and how they are taxed.
For those who do a freelance or business, this tax is very important for them and there are a lot of important details of this tax to know. For example, if the annual sales of that self-employment do not exceed 17,000 euros, that tax should not be paid and therefore he is not entitled to take that tax from the people and must write that note in his invoice instead of writing the VAT.

Liability insurance

Private insurance for the individual and the family against third parties
1- This insurance protects you in case you cause any harm other than an example - you are a cyclist and cause damage to others whether you are hit in a car, shop or other person and you have done damage but the other person - the insurance pays all costs
2- The example of insurance is responsible for all the damage caused by children to others in school, in shops, street or neighbor's homes, or if the children break the bulb in the street - the insurance is responsible for payment
3- Example in case you are on a family visit and causing harm to someone from your family by breaking a mobile or screen or breaking glass the company pays all the damage to others
4- An example for young people in the case of the arquila is working and the coal fell on the carpet and the carpet was burned and the company pays the damage
5- There are three types of liability insurance - small insurance - medium insurance - and comprehensive insurance
6- Participation starts from EUR 20 per person and small families per year - it is possible to pay monthly installments
7. You can record information and check for annual subscription before you subscribe.